Tuesday March 16th at 12 Noon – 1 PM PT – Theme is “Timber Talkers History.”
Join us for a fun filled, inspirational and educational Toastmasters Meeting this Tuesday March 16, 2021.
It is our open house. Guests are especially welcomed.
Toastmasters Agenda
Timber Talkers Club # 4421
Every Tuesday 12 – 1 PM PT
Our theme is: Timber Talkers History. Timber Talkers was chartered on May 1st, 1996 (25 years).
Come join us on Zoom, every Tuesday from 12pm-1pm PST. Zoom login information is meeting ID 920-902-504, Password 597044. https://zoom.us/j/920902504?pwd=ZnJBKysxNkZLTGxlSEtQeHhVMFg3dz09.
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay