Tuesday, May 21, at 12 Noon – 1 PM PT Theme: Let’s Go For It
The theme for the day’s meeting is “Let’s Go For It”
Lorri was the Toastmaster of the day. Linda spoke on her upcoming speaking engagement about her grandmother, who is called the Mother of the Columbia Gorge Highway.
Timbertalkers Toastmasters Beaverton, Oregon Agenda varies every meeting. All can play.
Timber Talkers Club # 4421
Every Tuesday 12 – 1 PM PT
See you all on zoom, and in person on hybrid days.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7331590363?pwd=KzhOamxlcWtoam82WDBFRldxVHhqZz09
Meeting ID: 733 159 0363
Passcode: A8EKsF