Tuesday, January 24th at 12 Noon – 1 PM PT – Theme is “National Compliment Day”
Join us for a fun filled, inspirational and educational Toastmasters Meeting this Tuesday, January 24th, 2023.
Guests are always welcomed!
The theme is “National Compliment Day”
Toastmasters Agenda
Timber Talkers Club # 4421
Every Tuesday 12 – 1 PM PT
Key roles for the meeting are:
Toastmaster: Laura
Speaker #1: Linda
Evaluator #1: Kristin
Table Topics: TBD
General Evaluator: Danielle
Timer: Kristin
Grammarian: Paul
Ah Counter: Tom
Positivity Master: Renee
See you all on zoom!
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7331590363?pwd=KzhOamxlcWtoam82WDBFRldxVHhqZz09
Meeting ID: 733 159 0363
Passcode: A8EKsF